Signia Silk Hearing Aids & Notch Therapy For Tinnitus

Here, we’ll explain exactly how notch therapy works and how it can be unnoticeably integrated, as a therapy, into everyday life. The only thing you will notice is the improvement in your tinnitus, hearing ability and quality of life.

Tinnitus Notch Therapy

Signia is the world’s first and only manufacturer to integrate Notch Therapy for Tinnitus into their hearing aids. Notch Therapy is available in the Signia Silk 3Nx, 5Nx and 7Nx from Pocket Hearing.

A double-blind study showed that, when compared to control subjects who only used normal hearing aids, those who used Signia hearing aids with the Notch Therapy activated showed a clear improvement in as few as 3 weeks and maintained the benefit past 6 months.

Here at Pocket Hearing, we can personally attest to Notch Therapy’s success with real-life patients wearing Signia Silk hearing aids. Normally, before the end of the 30 day return period, around 80% of tinnitus clients have reported a significant reduction in the effects of their tinnitus.

Rather than adding sound to cover up or mask the tinnitus, notch therapy works by subtracting sound from around the pitch of the tinnitus. Notch Therapy treats your tinnitus inaudibly which is the opposite of traditional therapy. That is not to say that traditional therapies aren’t as effective but it is to highlight that notch therapy is the most unobtrusive. All you have to do is simply wear your hearing aids as you would normally, and it could reduce the annoyance of your tinnitus in as little as a few weeks or months.

Signia’s research shows that, instead of using traditional noise therapy that treats the effects of tinnitus, spectral notching can treat tonal tinnitus from its anatomic source. The therapeutic effects of spectral notching can now be achieved by wearing Signia Silk hearing aids featuring Notch Therapy.

Unlike traditional sound therapy that typically introduces another noise or sound, Notch Therapy is inaudible and works in the background to relieve the annoyance of tinnitus. Your Pocket Hearing hearing care professionals are able to program hearing aids with a filtered “notch” centred at the pitch of the tinnitus, enhancing outside sounds while inhibiting the internal noise. This treatment complements other tinnitus therapy features already found in Signia Silk hearing aids.

A double-blind study showed that, when compared to control subjects who used hearing aid amplification alone, those who used hearing aids with the Notch Therapy activated showed a clear improvement in as few as 3 weeks and maintained the benefit past 6 months.

Signia hearing aids provide relief for tinnitus patients with or without hearing loss. With Pocket Hearing’s great prices and Signia Silk’s built-in tinnitus therapies, there’s nothing stopping you from finally tuning out your tinnitus. Download the white paper here.


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